
Write AnuragCET-2022 online and stand a chance to win Merit Scholarships ll Anurag University

Dr Maheepathi Talks Channel’s main objective is to share knowledge to the society and make the society a better place for individuals. The channel focuses on areas like English Language Communication skills, Life Skills, Soft Skills, Employability Skills and Psychological related topics. The main goal of this channel is to enrich the viewers with experiences from trusted speakers and expose them to the realities of life. The definition of success isn’t defined in these series – we help you to define your own version of success – for we believe in you!
The most important balance is IQ and EQ. Our Channel not only focuses on mental health but also focuses on the Physical Health/fitness. We also bring about the latest technologies updates and the skills required for your better future. Improve your interpersonal skills in multi dimensional context - Trustworthiness, Honesty, Kindness, Integrity. The characteristics that will help you outshine any other person, we aim to polish and hone those.
** Flexibility Skills (Willingness to Change, Adaptability, Lifelong learning, Teachability, Acceptance, Adjustability, Versatility, Improvisation, Calmness, Focusing on Solutions along with Teamwork Skills which include Cooperation, Agreeability, Helpfulness, Supportiveness, Collaboration, Likeability, Persuasiveness, Influence, Conflict Resolution, Facilitation)
** Being Responsible (Self-Discipline, Follow-Through, Conscientiousness, Accountability, Aspiring, Virtuousness, Resourcefulness, Common Sense, Dependability, Maturity)
** Work Ethic Skills (Industriousness, Perseverance, Determination, Diligence, Committing, Productiveness, Efficiency, Assiduousness, Self-Motivation, Punctuality)
** Positive Mental Attitude Skills (Happiness, Confidence, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Encouraging, Courageousness, Spiritedness, Pluckiness, Intrepidity, Fortitude)
** Professionalism Skills (Sophistication, Credibility, Valor, Respectability, Consideration, Pragmatism, Leadership, Mentoring, Conflict Management, Gallantry)
Apart from the ones mentioned above, we focus on: Leadership Skills, Effective Communication, Business Etiquette, Time Management, Emotional Intelligence, Innovation and Creativity, Empathy, Teamwork, Reliability, Lifelong Learning, Motivation and Initiative, Confidence, Integrity, positivity and Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Rapport Building, Good Work Ethic, Loyalty, Resourcefulness, Problem Solving.
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