
WRC5 | Rethinking Recovery Governance: Planning & Managing Recovery in a COVID-19 Transformed World

The plenary will highlight key governance issues including: policy and strategic frameworks governing complex multisectoral recovery across the disaster and conflict spectrums, the role of NDMAs and reconstruction agencies in recovery from complex crises including public health emergencies; assessing, planning and managing recovery from complex crisis, jurisdictional challenges in recovering from a national-level emergency and localized disasters, especially in a conflict setting; implementation challenges and capacity constraints (human, financial, institutional, supply chain) in undertaking disaster recovery in conflict settings; reaching vulnerable populations and economic sectors, and addressing the structural drivers of disasters and conflict; building conflict sensitivity in disaster recovery programs; the ability to obtain, understand and communicate information; and building resilience to future shocks in a way that helps to resolve conflict. The session will also identify innovations and good practices that address these issues and light the way forward for improved governance models.

Mr. Ronald Jackson, Head, Disaster Risk Reduction, Recovery for Building Resilience, United Nations Development Programme, and International Recovery Platform Steering Committee Chair

Mr. Antonio Freitas, Deputy Finance Minister, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Mr. Jerry Chandler, Director General, Civil Protection, Republic of Haiti

Mr. Nathan Nkomo, Chief Director, Civil Protection, Republic of Zimbabwe

Mr. Banak Joshua Dei Wal, Director General, Disaster Management, Republic of South Sudan

Ms. Anita Chandra, Vice President, RAND Corporation

Ms. Katie Peters, Senior Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute
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