
What's new in .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) Q&A | DIS202H

Join .NET MAUI product managers for the latest updates on .NET MAUI, a productive and flexible way to build native cross-platform mobile and desktop apps. Learn how to create beautiful and performant experiences for your users from a single codebase, reusing your business logic and web UI. Get a sneak peek at the roadmap for .NET 8 and beyond and ask your pressing questions.

To learn more, please check out these resources:
* aka.ms/learnatbuild
* https://aka.ms/BuildCollectionDIS202
* https://azure.microsoft.com

* mst 32
* mst 31
* MSBuild 332
* Kellen Anderson
* Becky Buckler
* Shawndell Elfring
* Beth Massi
* Maddy Montaquila
* David Ortinau

*Session Information:*
This video is one of many sessions delivered for the Microsoft Build 2023 event. View the full session schedule and learn more about Microsoft Build at https://build.microsoft.com

DIS202H | English (US) | .NET

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