
What is product manager role? Why learn product management?

#Product #Management What is product manager role? Why learn product management?

What is product manager role? Why learn product management?Learn with kimavi in just one minute!

Do you want to set the strategy, and roadmap for a product?

Do you want to be responsible for analyzing market and competitors?

Do you want to help you team execute on a feature backlog and set priorities?

Do you want to be at the intersection of engineering, sales, marketing and customers?

If you answers YES to previous questions, you want to a product manager and you must learn product management

Product managers help team understand customer problems and how the team will solve them

Product managers work with internal stakeholders — engineering, sales, marketing, customer success, legal and leadership

Product managers work with external stakeholders — customers and partners

Product manager sets product strategy and prioritizes features

What is product manager role? Why learn product management?Thank you for learningwith kimavi

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