
What is Category Management?

How does the shopper perceive retail? What makes them prefer certain products? And how can retailers and manufacturers benefit? The shopper‘s needs and expectations are constantly developing and represent an increasing challenge. Product assortment, placement, promotion, price and service have to meet their needs.

GS1 Germany has been working for more than 15 years in Category Management. Our GS1 Category Manager® certification has already been successfully completed by over 4.000 participants from various countries. Our portfolio includes training, consulting, services and studies. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information! Or take a direct look at our courses and seminars (https://www.gs1-germany.de/english/shopper-experience/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SX&utm_term=Landingpage+Startseite+EN&utm_content=Ad1).

So your shopper will love you.
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