
Weekly Robotics Meetup #13 - ROS2 Control with Bence Magyar and Denis Stogl

ros2_control is a robot-agnostic control framework with a focus on both real-time performance and sharing of controllers. The framework offers controller lifecycle and hardware-resource management, as well as abstractions on hardware interfaces.

Controllers expose ROS interfaces for 3rd party solutions to robotics problems like manipulation path planning (`moveit2`) and autonomous navigation (the ROS2 navigation stack). Hardware components on the other side provide a unified interface for robotic hardware, enabling standardized life-cycle and access management. The modular design makes ros2_control ideal for both research and industrial use. For example, a robot made up of a mobile base and an arm that supports ros2_control needs no extra code, only a few controller configuration files, and it is ready to go.

In this talk, we will discuss concepts of ros2_control framework compared to ros(1)_control framework and show examples of their use in the wild.

Presenters are maintainers of ros2_control:
* Bence Magyar (FiveAI Ltd)
* Denis Stogl (Stogl Robotics Consulting)

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ros2_control documentation: http://control.ros.org/
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