
Web GIS: Adopt an integrated approach

Discover how to web-enable your data, maps and apps for users across your organisation, creating a cloud-based, single source of truth that’s fully accessible anywhere, any time, on any device.

Applicable to field workers, analysts and map makers, explore a range of Web GIS capabilities and workflows across ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Hub, ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS dashboards and ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Get started with Web GIS | https://esriaustralia.com.au/web-gis
Get in touch with your Web GIS enquiry | https://esriaustralia.com.au/sales-and-services-enquiry

00:00 Introduction
01:44 User types
02:04 Integrating ArcGIS Online with other ArcGIS Applications
02:45 Demonstration: Workflow set-up
04:42 Setting up data and maps
07:48 Configuring Field Maps
11:00 Field Maps – out in the field
14:01 Report internally
15:48 In the project office
17:27 Share with stakeholders
19:58 Reporting and sharing
22:08 Open content
24:22 Extend your work
25:10 Q&A
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