
Wealth Management Industry Overview - What do wealth managers do

#wealthmanagement #privatebanking #OCIO #MultiFamilyOffice #DiscretionaryMandate #ExecutionOnly #BenchmarkPortfolio #InvestmentAdvisory

Interested in understanding what wealth managers and private bankers really do? This video will outline the products and services offered by wealth management firms.

We’ll cover topics like: investment advisory, benchmark portfolios, the discretionary mandate and execution-only models, and the multi-family office & Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) concepts.

Key Sections
0:15 - The ‘products’ of wealth management
0:40 - Private bankers vs. wealth managers
0:50 - The different wealth management services
1:36 - Understanding investment advisory
2:10 - Benchmark portfolios explained
2:45 - Discretionary mandate vs. execution-only models
3:50 - Understanding the ancillary services offered by wealth management firms
4:00 - Multi-family office and OCIO services

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