

In February 2022 the International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences published the paper "Customer experience in digital banking: a review and future research directions" of which Ashish Gupta was a co-author.

In this talk he will summarise key learnings from the review. Particularly looking at understanding the use of “gamification” in technology-driven banking services to enhance Customer Experience. Also looking at a suggested integrative framework which banks can use to strategically place “game-like features” in their digital platforms.

Speaker: Dr Ashish Gupta

Dr. Ashish Gupta is presently working as a Full-time Faculty in Marketing Area at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi, An Autonomous Institution of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India. His research interests are in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality, Branding and Consumer Behaviour. He has over 9 years of teaching and research experience in the area of Marketing and Management. He has more than 40+ research papers to his credit published in international and national journals like Journal of Internet Commerce; International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences; Young Consumers; American Business Review; Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services; Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics; Emerald Emerging Markets Cases; Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice; International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management; International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management; International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management etc.
Dr. Gupta has also presented more than 25+ research papers in International and National conferences. He conducted / completed several workshops, FDP and MDPs such as Six- Month Online Professional Training Programme on ‘International Business Analytics and Market Intelligence’ during January to June 2022; AICTE- ATAL Sponsored FDP on ‘Leadership and Excellence in Professional Education’ in July 2021; International Faculty Development Program from Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, UK in August 2019. In 2018, Dr. Gupta conducted Six-month Management Development Program on ‘International Business’ for Armed Forces Personnel sponsored by Directorate General of Resettlement and Welfare, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India during August 2018- January 2019. Dr. Gupta has also conducted one-week MHRD-GIAN Program on ‘Digital and Social Media Marketing in Emerging Markets’ Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development (Govt. of India), New Delhi during 14-20 October 2016.
He is actively engaged in Govt funded projects and currently doing a project for Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India [Funding Approx. 26,150 USD].
Recently Indian Council of Social Science research Awarded a project on ‘Internationalization of Indian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Identification of the Strategic, Structural and Policy Dimensions, Challenges, and Solutions for Management Institutions’.
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