
Transport for the North Audit and Governance Committee Consultation Call | 18 November 2022

The committee oversees financial reporting, internal and external audits and the Annual Governance Statement process to ensure efficient and effective assurance arrangements are in place.

The purpose of the Audit and Governance Committee is to provide independent review and assurance to Members on governance, risk management and control frameworks.

Read the papers: https://transportforthenorth.com/calendar/transport-for-the-north-audit-and-governance-committee-18-nov-2022/

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Items on the agenda:
1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Declarations of Interest

3. Minutes from the Previous Meeting

4. Corporate Risk Review (30 minutes)

5. Quarterly Operating Report (10 minutes)

6. Financial Update (10 minutes)

7. Internal Audit Update (15 minutes)

8. External Audit Update (10 minutes)

9. Preparation of the Annual Governance Statement (10 minutes)

10. Date and Time of Next Meeting

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Learn more about our vision for the North:
Transport for the North is England's first Sub-national Transport Body. It was formed to transform the transport system across the region, providing the infrastructure needed to drive economic growth.
TfN is making the case for pan-Northern strategic transport improvements, and its Strategic Transport Plan (STP) will rebalance decades of underinvestment and transform the lives of people in the North.
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