
Tools of Total Quality Management with Deming's quality management techniques...✨

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* Reduction in the variability of raw material going into production

* Increase in on-time deliveries *Reduction in machine downtime

Reduction in employee absenteeism 2. Organize a Quality Improvement Team: At this step, quality improvement

team is organized. This team may include following types of members: * One or more associates directly responsible for the work being done

* One or more customers receiving the benefits of the work * One or more suppliers providing input into the work

*A member of management

* Perhaps one or more experts in areas particularly relevant to solving the problem and making the improvement

3. Identify "Benchmarks": At this step, quality improvement team identifies benchmarks (ie. the best performers). The team compares with best performers and identifies how much improvement is required to match the best performance. For example, a pizza company may discover in this step that the benchmark (ie, the fastest average time between the moment an order is taken until the moment of front-door delivery) established by a competitor is 20 minutes. Suppose the company's current average delivery performance is 35 minutes. That leaves a minimum possible improvement of 15 minutes on the average.

4. Perform Analysis of Current Performance: At this step, the team performs an analysis to find out how current performance can be improved to meet, or beat, the benchmark. It can analyze the factors such as potential problems related to equipment, materials, work methods, people, and the environment, such as legal constraints, physical conditions, and weather.

5. Perform Pilot Study: The team performs a pilot study to test the selected remedies to the problem. It tries to find out the area for further improvement such as customer service, company's overall sales capacity, new delivery system standard, etc.

6. Management Implements the Improvements: Finally, the management implements the improvements. Such incremental improvements can greatly enhance a company's competitiveness. Of course, as more and more companies achieve better and better quality, the market will become more and more demanding. The key, therefore, is to continually improve both product and process.
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