
TOEFL Listening: How to Practice at Home

Download a free and complete TOEFL iBT test here - https://tstprep.com/

Practice listening with Youtube videos on Langdive - https://www.langdive.com/watch

Use Ted-Ed videos to practice listening - https://ed.ted.com/

Use Scientific American podcasts to practice listening and typing - https://www.scientificamerican.com/

Try practicing with shorter listening questions in this video - https://youtu.be/XdxGebhUwik

Here are a few helpful timestamps.

0:00 Introduction
1:03 What is the best way to improve your listening score?
4:29 Listening section overview
8:03 What if I don't know about a topic?
16:40 Four ways to practice without tests
35:08 What is the most effective way to do a practice test?
41:02 Setting up a study schedule

In this free webinar, we will discuss how to practice the TOEFL Listening at home. Many students struggle to improve their score in the listening section. While studying at home, most test-takers rely on practice tests to prepare them for test day. While practice tests are helpful, there is much more you have to do to improve your note-taking and general listening skills. Hosted by TST Prep head instructor Josh MacPherson, this webinar will show you what you need to do to prepare for the TOEFL Listening at home.

You can find more TOEFL practice materials on TST Prep's official website:
Site: https://tstprep.com/​
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tstprep/
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