
The Ultimate IG VG Build & Play Guide - New Patch Update - Brimstone Sands & Fresh Server Update

This ultimate New World Mage build and play Guide focuses on how to play IG VG ice gauntlet void gauntlet heavy or medium optimally in PVP, PVE, War, OPR/Outpost Rush in New World in the NEW PATCH UPDATE called Brimstone Sands with Fresh Servers, a brand new PVPVE focused MMO from Amazon Game Studios. The full frozen runeglass gems have been tested for additional ice damage across ice gauntlet and void gauntlet, as well as it has an in depth look at these weapons like Crystalline Curse, Blackguards gear from Tempest, stamina management, offhand choices like Hatchet, Warhammer, Void Gauntlet, Ice Gauntlet, shield types and variations etc. This is the most meta mage support build at the moment in my opinion.

Link to results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QGkieBLuwWIgsS0B7eNQrDMSvePGBPGK/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103812034931663217512&rtpof=true&sd=true

New World Map: https://www.newworld-map.com/#/
New World DB: https://nwdb.info/
New World Calculator: https://gaming.tools/newworld/

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00:00 - Intro
01:03 - Medium or Heavy
03:40 - Runeglass Gem Summary
10:10 - Skill Trees
14:30 - Should You Run 50 Focus?
16:18 - Armor & Weapons
20:54 - Do you need Keen on your VG?
23:20 - Clips
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