
The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Task Management Apps | Efficiency 365

After making comprehensive videos on all the task management tools, here is the comparison between all of the apps including Microsoft Outlook, To Do, OneNote, Planner, Loop and finally Microsoft Project.

#efficiency365 #taskmanagement #comparison

00:00 - Introduction
00:23 - The Conclusion!
01:03 - What are we comparing?
01:20 - OneNote
02:22 - Outlook
04:19 - To Do
06:39 - Planner
08:01 - Loop Workspace
10:21 - Share point Task list
12:18 - Microsoft Project
14:29 - Summary

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Efficiency Best Practices for Microsoft 365
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Dr Nitin Paranjape is the pioneer in maximizing work efficiency in a modern work scenario.
Dr Nitin's Office Masterclass

Online Courses by Dr Nitin Paranjape
Pivot Table Advanced - https://s.efficiency365.com/ptyt
Excel to Power BI - https://swiy.io/uxlpbi

Learn more from 1000+ blog articles by Dr Nitin Paranjape
Efficiency 365 blog: https://efficiency365.com/blog

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Music and Effects: https://elements.envato.com/
Created using Adobe Premiere: https://www.adobe.com/in/creativecloud/video.html
AI based captions: https://videoindexer.ai (Microsoft service)
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