
The Secret to Effective Secrets Management

Since IT network secrets unlock access to highly privileged systems and data, securing secrets is just as critical to preventing cyberattacks as securing end-user passwords. One study found that 75% of ransomware attacks involve compromised credentials – most of the time, RDP credentials. However, secrets management is a challenge for IT teams, who must mitigate secrets sprawl, hardcoded and embedded credentials, and duplicative data stores in hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments.

Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) is a fully cloud-based, Zero-Knowledge platform for managing IT infrastructure secrets such as API keys, database passwords, cloud access keys, certificates, SSH keys, service account passwords, and any other type of confidential data. KSM seamlessly integrates into nearly any data environment, with no additional hardware or cloud-hosted infrastructure required. It offers out-of-the-box integrations with a wide variety of DevOps tools, including Github Actions, Kubernetes, Ansible and more.

Key takeaways:
- Discuss the security dangers of secrets sprawl and hardcoded/embedded credentials.
- Explain why ad hoc approaches to secrets management don’t work.
- Explain how KSM can help organizations implement and maintain secrets management best practices.
- Demonstrate how KSM helps IT teams tackle common secrets management use cases, including: Securing CI/CD pipelines in DevOps environments, securing containers, managing elastic and auto-scale environments, and securing internally developed applications and COTS applications.
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