
The Personalized Workspace: AI & Workspace Management Tech

Workplaces are transforming. They are flexible, dynamic and collaborative. Meanwhile, fixed spaces are becoming fewer and farther between, and with that they become tricky to navigate and lack a personal touch. No longer with dedicated spaces, employees are asking what makes it ‘my workplace’ rather than ‘a workspace.’

Amid continued disruption, workplace flexibility has empowered employees to define their own schedules and locations of work. In essence, they are making it personal. Empowered by tech and AI, the workplace adapts to the employee no matter when and where they are. Adding this element of personalization, it bolsters the bonds between employees and the organization itself. Through this, employee retention is improved, team spirit is fostered, and the workplace experience excels.

In this webinar we’ll invite FMs to take it personally. We invite you to consider how, through the power of technology AI, employees can bring a personal touch to the workplace, meeting their individual needs.
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