
The Depletion of Ocean Resources versus Conservation and Management | IPCD 2023 | TPF & TECC

The Depletion of Ocean Resources versus Conservation and Management by Dr M Shiham Adam, Director for Science and the Maldives, International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF), Maldives.
The inaugural edition of the Indo-Pacific Confluence Dialogue, conducted by The Peninsula Foundation (TPF) in partnership with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center (TECC) in India was held on 10th and 11th January 2023 on the theme “India, Island States and the Indo-Pacific: Towards a Sustainable Blue Economy” in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Check this link for the executive summary, https://www.thepeninsula.org.in/executive-summary-indo-pacific-confluence-dialogue-2023/
For more details about the Indo-Pacific Confluence Dialogue, check this link https://www.thepeninsula.org.in/indo-pacific-confluence-dialogue/
Indo-Pacific Confluence Dialogue 2023 YouTube Playlist Link: https://bit.ly/3Y7xBct
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