
The 21st Century CFO

#moderncfo #21stcenturycfo #CFOtoCEO

With the ever evolving role of the CFO, today he is expected to lead the team as a Change Agent. In this video, we deep dive into how:

1. The role of today’s CFO has evolved from traditional activities like accounting & auditing & financial risk management to more tactical roles like corporate strategy, digitization & Enterprise Risk Management!
2. The CFOs of today cannot be just Number-cruncher.
2. The Multiple hats a CFO must down (from Operations Optimizer to Technology Transformer).
3. The journey from a CFO to a CEO...

At ConTeTra we work with CFOs and senior finance leaders across the world by helping them get the competitive advantage they need – whether it’s creating financial statements that make more sense for a global world, or finance strategy that drives their business to new heights. To find out how, schedule a non-chargeable 30 minutes call with our CFO Mr. Ramanujam Narayan with the below link:

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