
Testing Talks Conference 2023 Sydney | QA from an Enterprise Perspective - Gaining Org Acceptance

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$730B was spent on ‘finding and fixing’ software bugs in the US last year and it only grows each year.

Testing is an expensive outlay consisting of an estimated 30%-40% of project cost. If an organisation only sees the expense, but can't articulate the business value, then it becomes more challenging to gain organisational support and sponsorship for further investment in testing across people, processes, and technology.

This presentation will provide you with the needed insight to be able to articulate the benefits and further the investment in your testing department and continue to deliver higher quality software in your organisation.

One method of enhancing the software quality and thereby reducing the post-delivery costs is to implement and work towards organisational test maturity and adopt the benefits that higher levels of maturity bring to the organisation and the underlying results.

Organisations with the highest levels of test maturity have reported a near perfect cost estimation during delivery and a reduction in production errors to near 0% providing plannable project costs and clear benefits for the organisation.

During this presentation, we will review testing from an enterprise perspective and showcase the benefits of reaching higher levels of test maturity. You will gain a deeper understanding of test maturity and take away actionable insight to begin to drive your testing initiative forward.
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