
Tenure Security and Landscape Governance of Natural Resources

Equitable and secure tenure arrangements and well-performing rural governance institutions can contribute to better-distributed incomes and foster investment and technological innovation in agriculture. On the other hand, tenure regimes, if controlled by elites or implemented to reinforce traditional power hierarchies, can be powerful instruments of exclusion. Lack of attention to resource governance carries high risk for development programs, particularly with regard to equality, social inclusion, and long-term sustainability of natural resources.

Research on governance of natural resources has been an integral part of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) since 2017. The team has been seeking to identify actions to strengthen tenure rights of poor and marginalized people (particularly women) and communities; improve governance of natural resources; and enhance constructive interaction of resource users within shared landscapes.

In this webinar, the team will present a set of seven briefs summarizing key points of the significance of tenure security and landscape governance research in each of the impact areas of CGIAR -- climate change, environmental management and sustainability, poverty alleviation, gender, and nutrition and health -- highlighting policy implications and recommendations for future actions. The briefs on tenure security and landscape governance, which provided key background for the five thematic briefs, will be presented in the first part of the webinar, followed by a roundtable panel discussion with the authors of the thematic briefs and a Q&A with the online audience.

For more, please visit the webinar page https://bit.ly/3xZDBs6

Other webinars from the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM): http://bit.ly/PIM-Webinars
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