
TEFL | Teacher Interaction and Classroom Management

Name: Shila Sandrina Wulandari
NPM: 210402090013

Teacher Interaction and Classroom Management


The teaching philosophy adopted by the teacher has a significant impact on how students and teachers interact both within and outside of the classroom. Teachers that use the rhetorical perspective to guide their interactions with students talk to their pupils in an effort to persuade or influence them. Communication is teacher-centered, therefore teachers convey messages to students who act as the message's passive recipient. Teachers concentrate on teaching clearly, keeping the course material relevant, and acting assertively in order to communicate with their students effectively. They primarily focus on managing the classroom and carrying out their roles as lecturer and discussion leader during in-class communication.

The lecture must have the proper depth and breadth of information, be structured logically, and contain the right number and kind of examples in order to be effective. When lecturing, teachers must make an effort to communicate effectively. These effective communication techniques include humor, relevance, and clarity. Clear expectations are communicated by teachers, crucial elements are emphasized, preview and review statements are given, and assignments are described when teaching with clarity in mind.

Making the connection between the course material and students' career objectives, personal ambitions, and needs is a concern of teachers who are relevant. Teachers can communicate with humor by telling amusing tales, anecdotes, jokes, and employing exaggeration. Teachers that are funny make sure their humor relates to the course material and is used to highlight important points in the presentation. Thus, professors can improve student learning by include clarity, relevance, and humor in their lectures. Students also state that they loved their teacher, appreciated the course, and were inspired to study when teachers are clear, pertinent, and humorous.


The term "classroom management" refers to the vast range of abilities and strategies teachers employ to keep their students on track, focused, orderly, and academically productive throughout a lesson. Effective classroom management techniques allow teachers to maximize the behaviors that support or promote learning while minimizing the behaviors that hinder learning for both individual students and groups of students. Effective teachers typically have great classroom management skills, whereas inexperienced or less effective teachers are more likely to have a disorganized classroom full of disinterested kids.

While a more constrained or conventional interpretation of effective classroom management may place a heavy emphasis on "compliance"—rules and techniques teachers can employ to ensure students are sitting in their seats, following instructions, paying attention, etc.—a more comprehensive or modern interpretation of classroom management encompasses everything teachers can do to facilitate or improve student learning, which would include such factors as behavior (a positive attitude, attentiveness, etc.). Expectations (the standards of work that teachers expect students to meet, the manners in which teachers expect students to treat other students, the agreements that teachers make with students), resources (the kinds of texts, tools, and other educational resources that teachers use), or activities (the kinds of learning experiences that teachers design to engage student interests, passions, and intellectual curiosity).
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