
Teams for Online Teaching Tutorial

Teams for Online Teaching Tutorial

Exercise Files: https://learnitanytime.com/p/exercise-files-teams-for-online-teaching-tutorial

Who it's for: This course is for teachers, trainers, HR, and L&D professionals looking to use Teams for instructional purposes.

What it is: Microsoft Teams is a collaborative environment that allows you to bring your colleagues, content, and conversations together, all in one place, with real-time collaboration.

What you'll learn: Make remote teaching and learning just as effective as the in-person alternative. Gain confidence in your online teaching by creating and running online presentations and workshops that truly shine, taking advantage of the best features in Teams and using them to make thoughtful, engaging training.

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Manuals: https://bit.ly/30xZb59
Username: manuals
Password: password

Start 0:00
Introduction 0:03
Overview 0:52
Scheduling Meetings and Adjusting Options 2:51
Setting Up Pre-Meeting Breakout Rooms 10:14
Chat, Polls, and Sharing Files 14:54
Device Settings and In-Meeting Interface Overview 20:23
Running Meetings 25:15
Post-Meeting Tools 38:06
Conclusion 41:31

#microsoftteams #microsoftteamstutorial #onlineteaching #onlineclasses

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