
Talk Like a Project Manager / Words Every PM Should Know - Project Management Jargon for PMP & CAPM

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Today, we're covering Part 2 of "How to Talk Like a Project Manager" Where I share with you project management jargon or words every project manager should know and use in their daily project management work life.

This is a sequel to this video here: https://youtu.be/7AXxcSIBTrE

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1. Google Project Management Certification: https://coursera.pxf.io/googlepmcourse
2. UVA Fundamentals of Project Planning: https://coursera.pxf.io/uvafundamentals
3. UCIrvine Course: https://coursera.pxf.io/ucirvine
5. Rita's/RMC (note this is the most expensive option here): https://rmcls.com/all-classes/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAoNWOBhCwARIsAAiHnEi5PqGnnSPOVDsXFkuwKUMnnGJWxCG87aCm6KJDnWL1fPF5CdlXt9EaAsfAEALw_wcB
6. PMI PMP prep courses can be found on the PMI website: https://www.pmi.org/certifications/pr...

Disclaimer: This video represents my personal views only (not that of my employer) and is not meant as personal advice or any sort of guarantee or professional advice. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

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