
Structural Management® Certification Module 2 Preview - Maggs Law of Tissue Tolerance


This is an excerpt from Dr. Maggs' New Structural Management® Certification: Module 2 - Maggs Law of Tissue Tolerance.

This certification program will:
• Show you how to use the most advanced technology available in sports today.
• Help you to provide a simpler message to your patients as to what’s causing their problem and how you are the best to “fix” their problem.
• Help you become the most advanced trained sports Dr. in your community.

Module 2 Description
This law is present with every patient coming into your office. Rather than discussing “pain”, discussing their life at a higher and more important level will create more lifetime patients. Even with the 12 year old who has never been hurt. Over time, aging, gravity, and stresses will accelerate breakdown, so a proactive approach will reap many, many rewards.

Get Certified Today at https://www.drtimmaggs.com/store/p46/structural-management-certification-course.html

Please contact us at 518-393-6566 or email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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