
Striving for Better Governance - The case of State-Owned Institutions in Cyprus

As part of the Open Seminar Series for the Spring Semester 2023, the Centre of Good Governance invites you to the second seminar of the Spring Semester 2023. The seminar will be focusing on policy options and actions available for bettering the governance of state-owned enterprises. The aim is to initiate a discussion among the participants that in a constructive manner will promote the ongoing debate on how these organisations can be better governed in a way that will be beneficial to their operations, profitability and sustainability. The topic is considered to be of interest to state and government officials, directors and management staff of SOEs, political party officials, NGOs, academics and journalists and members of the wider public.

Our speakers have made significant public interventions on the matter while, in addition to their research, they have practical insight. Adonis Pegasiou is the leading author of the policy paper ‘Proposal for Governance Framework for of State Organisations and State Enterprises’ (November 2022) available on the CGG site, which attempts to offer a practical governance framework for these organisations that can be adopted by the government in office. Petros Florides heads the New Governance Team which has prepared a Governance Code for these organisations that can be implemented at the organisation level. The Governance Code was approved by the Council of Ministers of the previous government though the implementation of the Code still remains problematic.
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Speakers: Petros Florides & Dr. Adonis Pegasiou | Moderator: Marios Clerides

Enjoy the event!

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