
Sport For a Better World - Operational planning of sport events

Sport For a Better World is an Erasmus Plus co-funded intiative that promotes innovative cooperation between NGOs, universities and public bodies in the sport sector across Europe. Sport For a Better World programme is based on multidisciplinary training modules mixing formal and non-formal learning methodologies and digital resources. Parallel running sessions introduce participant’s development theory, practice and philosophy, sport management and strategic skills, and develop managerial skills through a mentoring and coaching scheme matching people and professionals in practice based learning activities. Over the course of the initiative, NGOs and public bodies from Turkey and European countries join efforts to empower 80 people and practitioners to the real-world sport sector by developing coaching and training skills.
One of the main outputs of the initiative is innovative educational modules with knowledge and experience regarding beneficiary development incorporated into inclusion education. The present module of Operational planning of sport events will ensure that after its completion, you will be able to:
• Conduct a proper local sport event;
• Be aware of the tasks which must be performed in order to prepare and organize sports competitions, recreational programmes and related events.
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