
SolidJS Crash Course - Better Than React!

SolidJS is the framework React has always wanted to be. With its straightforward state management, fine-grained reactivity and high performance, Solid.js has put itself on a pedestal for other JavaScript frameworks. Let's learn Solid.js by building a GitHub repos application. We'll cover state management, routing, data fetching, use of components, web storage and more!

Link to GitHub repository: https://github.com/ebenezerdon/solid-gh-repos
Link to hosted app: https://solid-gh-repos.netlify.app
Link to GitHub API: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/repos/repos#list-repositories-for-a-user


00:00:00 - Solid.js overview and What we’ll be building
00:03:28 - Creating our Solid.js app and codebase walkthrough
00:08:18 - Setting up our Github repos app
00:10:54 - Creating components in Solid.js
00:13:35 - Setting up routing for our GitHub repos Solid.js app
00:17:45 - Creating the nav component for our GitHub repos Solid.js app
00:22:29 - Data fetching and state management in Solid.js
00:29:33 - Using our fetched data - More on state management
00:37:39 - Creating our Repo card component and styling with Bootstrap
00:45:39 - Iteration with the For syntax in Solid.js
00:49:46 - Adding functionality for saving repositories
00:52:18 - Creating our setSaved repos function
00:57:34 - Adding functionality for removing saved repositories
01:04:19 - Persisting saved repos in local storage
01:09:10 - Homework/wrapping up

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Follow me on GitHub: https://github.com/ebenezerdon

#webdevelopment #programming #coding #softwareengineering #solidjs #react
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