
Socio-Economic Systems in the Post-Pandemic World: Design Thinking, Strategic Planning,.. Andrzej K

"The presentation will focus on outcomes of Research Topic “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Socio-Economic Systems in the Post-Pandemic World: Design Thinking, Strategic Planning, Management, and Public Policy” developed in collaboration with the selected scientific journals of Frontiers Media.

The presentation will introduce the international collection of interdisciplinary contributions addressing new thinking, challenges, changes, and transformations required for post-pandemic global, national, regional, and local realities. Specifically, it will focus on critical reflections, research agenda papers, meta-analytical studies as well as qualitative and quantitative works related to the selected areas of the COVID-19 pandemic impacts.

The pandemic’s threat to public health will hopefully be overcome with implications for disruption for an extended period that we are unable to forecast at this stage. The Research Topic covers studies recognizing the activities and interventions leading to the recovery of socio-economic systems after the pandemic. Reflecting and planning on how societies and economies will go back to “business as usual” requires new forms of communication and cooperation, imaginative design thinking, new styles of management, as well as new tools and forms of participation in various public policies. Many questions related to the care of the vulnerable, economic restart, and the risk of future pandemics, to mention but a few, are already occupying the academic, scientific, experts, and activist communities, who have started to imagine the “new normal.”"

The summit provides a platform for participation, expression, and sharing of ideas towards a 'New Eco-Social World: that Leaves No One Behind'. Unless otherwise noted, all contributions reflect the author's proposals, opinions, and ideas, if any of them is inappropriate, please contact the summit secretariat at [email protected] with any recommendations.
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