
significance of Human Resource Management | Descriptive test of inspector inland revenue FBR

AOA Dear viewers,
in this video you will be able to understand the following concepts:-
importance of HRM,
Significance of Human Resource Management,
Strategic Nature of HRM,
Human Resource Function,
Staffing function of HRM,
Training and development function of HRM,
Motivation function of HRM,
Maintenance function of HRM,
how to solve descriptive test of inspector inland revenue,

For watch more video about descriptive paper of inspector inland Revenue you may click the links given below:-
Functions of FBR https://youtu.be/Q3jApphPmb4

Functions of FBR through FBR ACT 2007 https://youtu.be/WhjQqVffxq0

Fiscal policy lecture 1 https://youtu.be/IC5-1z9ltSE

Fiscal policy lecture 2 https://youtu.be/tT1Vxum92Pk

7E tax on capital asset https://youtu.be/xcSqCVV-XJo

Current ratio lecture 1 https://youtu.be/nsc0uP7-FTQ

Ration analysis lecture 2 https://youtu.be/3mpHEBpL9U0

Organization of FG and PG https://youtu.be/4a79S79cBIw

Overview of financial management https://youtu.be/wgnr9AfiC30

Overview of financial management 2 https://youtu.be/nS33lJgCggI

Ratio summary https://youtu.be/Az2NgOUHhC8

Risk and Return https://youtu.be/GnDg6KJXWqQ

Introduction to pricing https://youtu.be/4CZfOos5RBk

Introduction to pricing 3 https://youtu.be/Xx5vqZlGNxI

Types of capital https://youtu.be/ZOhimXrar9w
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