
r/EntitledParents - Smug Karen Breaks All My Stuff! Huge Mistake!

My smug Karen sister decided to break all of my stuff because she's jealous that I recently had a baby! My sister has always wanted to become a mom but has not been able to have a baby yet. I however just had my third and she is very jealous of my husband and I. As a result, my sister felt the need to break all of my stuff while I was away! Subscribe for more r/EntitledPeople stories!

Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!

Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.

I'm a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.

Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!

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