
Reducing Security Risks in the Hybrid Workplace with Windows 11 and Surface  | OD101

In a hybrid world, time is risk. Join security experts from across Microsoft to discover how Windows-enhanced, out-of-box security settings pre-installed on Surface devices enable IT Pros to reduce security risks for their organization by 60% without having to change a single setting. With a holistic ecosystem, Microsoft designs hardware, operating systems, firmware, infrastructure, and engineering systems that deliver security solutions from chip to cloud.

Additional Resource:
Windows & Surface Learning Resources -- https://aka.ms/WindowsCTA?wt.mc_id=ignite21fall_collections_webpage_esc
Contact sales -- https://info.microsoft.com/contact-us-multi-product-in-person-devices-en.html?LCID=EN-US&ls=290778-contactme-formfill

Recommended Next Step:
Surface Blogs -- https://blogs.windows.com/devices/category/microsoft-surface/

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