
Real World Data Governance: The Data Stewardship Method of Data Governance

There are many methods that can be followed to implement Data Governance. Data stewardship, or formalized accountability for the management of data, must be a central component of any method. There are already people in your organization that define, produce, and use data as part of their daily function, waiting to be recognized as data stewards.

Join Bob Seiner for this timely webinar where he will outline the role and the responsibilities of data stewards, how they interact among themselves and others, and present ideas about the different ways that people can become engaged through the data steward role. Bob has been known to say that the data will not govern itself. The data stewards are THE people who will deliver on your program success.

In this webinar, Bob will speak about:

– Where data stewards fit in a customized operating model
– Ways to determine who your data stewards are
– How data stewards interact at all levels
– Leveraging data stewards to become data-literate
– Engaging data stewards to improve the status quo
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