
Project Management Complete Course | Session 1: The basics of Project Management | Tutorial 2021

Click for complete playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKD2IlZ7Ez5L2FxKvEE0cgLSz6ua9qwGu
Session 1 of Project Management
In this series of our Learning Channel, we discuss project management, the complete cycle of project management, from basics to advance level.
- From need assessment to definitions, defining interventions, tools development, databases, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and closure of projects.
- what is needed in each phase of the cycle,
- what are best practices
- how to ensure that each phase go smoothly
- what soft-wares and strategies we need to learn and implement in each phase.
- roles of programs staff, M&E, finance, logistics, HR

- We will also discuss different softwares like MS Excel, MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Project Management and other relevant (from Basic to Advance level) which are required to run a project.

The purpose is “to share our experiences, best practices with you to learn, practice and serve the community in the best possible way”

I acknowledge all the organizations I have worked for, and the whole credit goes to these organizations who taught me all this. These includes SPS Education System Swat, Save The Children, IRC, Relief International, Handicap International, UNICEF

About the Channel: We have started this channel for step-by-step and detailed explained tutorials, on different topics: Please subscribe, watch and share your feedback
Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/user/ilusplm
Detail Tutorials already shared on the channel (link given above) and upcoming are as below:
Series 1: Learn Online data collection tools like Google Form and Spreadsheet (Streaming 4 Sessions /Videos, available): In series 1, we developed 4 tutorials/ videos on how to develop google form and google spread sheet for online data collection. The playlist URL for Learning Google Form and Spreadsheet, is: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKD2IlZ7Ez5KxgJ6c9o9hSrHuI-C0bpTe
Series 2: Learn MS Excel (From Basic to Advance level)- (Streaming 6 Sessions /Videos available): In this series of “Learn Excel (from Basic to Advance level)” we developed almost 6 sessions/ videos on MS excel for developing simple tables, databases, data analysis, and all other topic from basic to advance level, like below:
1. Basic of Excel
2. Basics of Data / Data entry and Databases in Excel (Validations)
3. Basics of Data Analysis via Excel (Basics Formulas)
4. Advance level of Data Analysis via Excel (Advanced Formulas, discover more about your data, spot trends & patterns in data)
5. Analysis with Pivot Table (Slicers and Timelines)
6. Conditional Formatting
7. And more
URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKD2IlZ7Ez5JDecyVwlbH7nj9jJA7w2U0
Series 3: Project and Data / Information Management (Complete Cycle)- (This one): In this 3rd series of our Learning Channel, you will learn the complete cycle of project and data management, from basics to advance level i.e. tools development, databases, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects. In short all the Processes and softwares involved in project management and data management, project cycle (from inception to proposal submission, implementation, monitoring and end-line evaluation).
Upcoming Tutorials
1. Conducting Research and Studies
2. Interpretation of data and Reporting
3. M&E
4. Result Based Management /Monitoring (RBM)
5. MS Word, PowerPoint
6. Online data collection tools like KOBO, SurveyCTO and more
7. MS Access and SPSS
Note: If any topic is missing, please share in comment and we will develop tutorial on that. You can share your question is “How to do this and that”.
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