
Preventing & Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Do you have a family history of Type 2 diabetes and trying to get healthy in a bid to prevent it?

Have you been diagnosed with Prediabetes and worried about having to live the rest of your life as a diabetic?

Or are you already struggling with Type 2 diabetes? Struggling with what to eat and how to manage taking medications?

The main difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is that while Type 1 is an autoimmune condition and has a quick onset, Type 2 diabetes often takes years to develop and can be prevented, reversed (in early stages) as well as managed with dietary and lifestyle changes.

So for this weeks #wellnesswednesday, Dr. Manjiri Nadkarni will be discussing ‘Preventing & Managing Type 2 Diabetes’ today Nov 17th at 1 pm EST.

What she will share
✅The no 1 trigger for Type 2 diabetes
✅Signs and symptoms of glucose intolerance
✅The factors responsible for insulin resistance
✅5 anti-diabetic foods from your kitchen.
✅The best exercises to manage Type 2 diabetes

Join us live and feel free to post your questions below. Click on the link below to book your free 15 min diabetic consult https://manjirinadkarni.as.me/15minfreeconsult

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