
Powerful approaches to grow self management skills: Q&A with Mike Anderson Part 3

Motivation isn’t something that you have or you don’t. This interview between education consultant Allison Zmuda and Mike Anderson focuses on practical strategies to develop our “stick-with-it” -- even if we aren’t in the mood. These strategies are as applicable to 50 year olds as they are to 5 year olds!

To explore more resources about motivation, check out Mike Anderson's latest book, "Tackling the Motivation Crisis," his LiveBinder https://www.livebinders.com/b/2659456 and asynchronous online course https://courses.leadinggreatlearning.com/courses/tackling-the-motivation-crisis.

Except from the book: Self Management Strategies to Test Out with Your Learners (and Yourself) http://www.learningpersonalized.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Self-Management-Strategies-to-Test-Out-with-Your-Learners-and-Yourself.pdf

Mike Anderson is an energetic, experienced, and highly sought-after consultant who helps facilitate great learning in schools all over the United States and beyond. He has over twenty years of experience as a teacher, consultant, presenter, and developer and has authored many books and articles about great teaching and learning.

Connect with Mike Anderson through his website https://leadinggreatlearning.com/ or on Twitter @balancedteacher.

"Tackling the Motivation Crisis: How to Activate Student Learning Without Behavior Charts, Pizza Parties, or Other Hard-to-Quit Incentive Systems" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tackling-Motivation-Crisis-Hard-Quit/dp/1416630333

Allison Zmuda is a longstanding education consultant focused on curriculum development with an emphasis on personalized learning.

Just as she advocates for personalized learning to be used by her clients, she practices it when engaging with her clients. It is important to Allison that she develop a relationship with those she pours into, preferring long standing relationships over quick, one-off sessions.

Allison appreciates creative expression, especially within education, which led her to create Learning Personalized, a treasure trove of personalized learning efforts by those she has encountered throughout her career.

Upon discovery of a student, teacher, administrator, or leader engaging in innovative learning or teaching, she features them on the site as a Q&A, video interview, or written article.

Follow Allison on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/allison_zmuda
Connect with Allison on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin/com/in/allisonzmuda

Visit Learning Personalized: http://www.learningpersonalized.com
Work with Allison: https://allisonzmuda.com/work-with-allison/
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