
Power-3: Formal Sources of Power | Coercive Power | Reward Power | Legitimate Power (in Hindi)

In this video we talk about basis or sources of Power and touch upon Coercive Power, Reward Power and Legitimate Power.

• We answer by dividing the bases or sources of power into two general groupings—formal and personal—and then breaking each of these down into more specific categories.

Formal Power: Formal power is based on an individual’s position in an organization. It can come from the ability to coerce or reward, or from formal authority.

Coercive Power: The coercive power base depends on fear of the negative results from failing to comply. It rests on the application, or the threat of application, of physical sanctions such as the infliction of pain, frustration through restriction of movement, or the controlling by force of basic physiological or safety needs.
• At the organizational level, A has coercive power over B if A can dismiss, suspend, or demote B, assuming B values his or her job. If A can assign B work activities B finds unpleasant, or treat B in a manner B finds embarrassing, A possesses coercive power over B.
• Coercive power can also come from withholding key information. People in an organization who have data or knowledge others need can make those others dependent on them.

Reward Power
• The opposite of coercive power is reward power, with which people comply because it produces positive benefits; someone who can distribute rewards others view as valuable will have power over them.
These rewards can be either:
• Financial—such as controlling pay rates, raises, and bonuses
• Nonfinancial, including recognition, promotions, interesting work assignments, friendly colleagues, and preferred work shifts or sales territories.

Legitimate Power
• In formal groups and organizations, probably the most common access to one or more of the power bases is through legitimate power.
• It represents the formal authority to control and use organizational resources based on structural position in the organization.
• Legitimate power is broader than the power to coerce and reward.
• Specifically, it includes members’ acceptance of the authority of a position.
• When school principals, bank presidents, or army captains speak (assuming their directives are viewed as within the authority of their positions), teachers, tellers, and first lieutenants listen and usually comply.

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Please Note: All these videos are targeted at beginners and hence complicated concepts are left out of discussion, without actually having any affect on the ultimate result/analysis.
Learn-from-home video lectures by Dr. Vinit Mathur, Mentor at Aditya Classes Bikaner, and Professor at Institute of Management Studies, S. B. J. S. Rampuria Jain College, Bikaner affiliated to MGSU(Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner) and BTU(Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner)
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