
Peter Foxhoven The Importance of Motivation in Business Management

The Importance of Motivation in Business Management

A key management tool is directing, the process of initiating action on the basis of preconditions. Managers use directing to motivate, lead, and supervise their subordinates. This management tool mobilizes employees to work toward achieving organisational goals. Since individual work activities are interrelated, direction attempts to integrate individual efforts to produce the intended outcome. However, it is not the only method of directing used in business.

When workers feel appreciated and have a sense of pride in their work, they will be more inclined to do it. Likewise, employees who are motivated will be more willing to adopt changes and perform better in the workplace. Having the right motivational schemes in place will lead to improved relations between managers and workers and improved performance. This article explores the importance of motivation in business management. Let us begin by discussing the benefits of employee motivation. Read on to discover more about how it can help your organisation.

People don't always exert the necessary energy to perform their work efficiently. Sometimes, workers are dissatisfied with their jobs and the authority of management. When attempting to motivate workers, managers can consider their personalities and their individual needs. Motivation, therefore, is a psychological state that combines intelligence, physical strength, and mental alertness. With these factors in mind, managers can develop a motivation strategy that will help them achieve their goals.

Authoritarian, consultative, and free-rein directing techniques

When considering the different types of leadership styles, it is important to understand how each style differs from the others. Authoritarian styles are effective when the leader is demanding and requires the participation of employees. Conversely, consultative styles promote participation and collaboration within the organization, while authoritarian styles do not. The difference between authoritarian and consultative styles isn't the same as between autocratic and democratic styles.

The free-rein style is characterized by giving employees the freedom to make decisions independently. While the manager might set objectives and oversee them, it is up to the employees how to achieve those goals. Unlike the authoritarian style, a free-rein manager does not use power, but relying on his or her subordinates to reach decisions and solve problems.

Barrier free communication

One way to encourage barrier free communication is to set aside assumptions and preconceived notions when approaching clients and colleagues. Preconceived notions often block communication, and it is very difficult to gain a thorough understanding of someone without checking the facts. Even when a client frowns, this might be a completely different reason, which can be clarified through open communication. The most common psychological noise that hinders free communication is strong hostility. Hostility towards anyone - from employees to the CEO - can prevent open communication and productivity.

Despite the cost of miscommunications, a lack of effective communication leads to significant negative consequences for any business. Miscommunication can end up costing lives in emergencies, increase confusion and frustration, and reduce engagement, productivity, and revenue. Failure to address barriers to effective communication leads to even more negative consequences for a business. So how can you promote barrier-free communication in business management? Below are some tips and tricks to improve communication between colleagues.

Unity of command

The principle of unity of command refers to the separation of duties between managers and employees. Too many heads cannot supervise the same amount of work, and the work of each worker must be overseen by a single head. The principle is explained diagrammatically. According to this concept, accountability is kept high, and there is no duplication of work. Managers and employees have a common goal. In addition, the principle is helpful in strategic planning.

To effectively manage an organization, rules, philosophies, and structures must be followed. Leadership must promote a climate of respect, motivation, and shared goals. Employees must know which orders they should follow and who should make decisions. Work should be organized in a way that fosters harmony and shared goals. If the principles are followed, the entire organization will thrive. Here are three ways to implement unity of command in your organization:


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