
Part 2: 2023 Evaluation and Management Series by AMCI

AMA Handout? Click Here: https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/2023-e-m-descriptors-guidelines.pdf
Interested in obtaining 27 CEUs? Enroll in the AMCI E/M Online Course : https://bit.ly/27for27CEUs
All handouts in the lectures are available in the AMCI 27 CEUs course : https://bit.ly/27for27CEUs

This comprehensive Evaluation and Management series is designed to provide students with in-depth understanding of Evaluation and Management coding. Students will receive instruction from basic E/M coding concepts to advanced guidelines emphasizing the 2023 Guidelines.

Objectives of the E/M series:
Provide an overview of Evaluation and Management Coding for CPT
Review Evaluation and Management Coding Key Terms
Review CHUN for the E/M section of CPT
Instruction on Code Selection and Medical Decision Making
Highlight key Evaluation and Management Guidelines Relative to E/M CPT

Part ONE: Week One Basic E/M Coding, with MDM Scoring - 3 hours
Part TWO: Hosptial Inpatient/Observation, ED, Consultations -3 hours
Part THREE: Nursing Facilities and Prolonged Services - 3 hours
Part FOUR: Scenario Review: 2.5 Hours

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