
NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) - Episode 4 - Identify – Governance (ID.GV)

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) - Episode 4 - Identify – Governance (ID.GV)

Dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui, Frederic Deneault vulgarise les contrôles de la catégorie Governance (ID.GV) de la fonction Identify du NIST cybersecurity framework.

NIST CSF ID.GV-1: Organizational cybersecurity policy is established and communicated

NIST CSF ID.GV-2: Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities are coordinated and aligned with internal roles and external partners

NIST CSF ID.GV-3: Legal and regulatory requirements regarding cybersecurity, including privacy and civil liberties obligations, are understood and managed

NIST CSF ID.GV-4: Governance and risk management processes address cybersecurity risks

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Suivez-moi sur LinkedIn: - Frederic Deneault https://bit.ly/38BEZp2
Le podcast Discutons Gouvernance https://bit.ly/2YdfJn4

#Cybersecurity #Identify #Governance #NIST #Framework #Introduction #Technology #InformationSecurity #CSF #Controles
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