
NIH ComPASS: OTA-22-007 Full Application Technical Assistance Webinar INVITED APPLICATIONS ONLY

NIH staff hosted a technical assistance webinar for community organizations who received an invitation email to submit a full application to the NIH Common Fund’s Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society (ComPASS) Research Opportunity Announcement (ROA) OTA-22-007. In this presentation, NIH staff provided an overview of the ComPASS program, full application requirements and review process, a brief overview of the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) Mechanism and the NIH ASSIST system. They also answered questions from webinar participants. The goals of ComPASS are to 1) develop, share, and evaluate community-led health equity structural interventions that leverage partnerships across multiple sectors to reduce health disparities and 2) develop a new health equity research model for community-led, multisectoral structural intervention research across NIH and other federal agencies. For more information about the ComPASS program visit: https://commonfund.nih.gov/compass. Read the Full Research Opportunity Announcement (ROA) OTA-22-007: https://commonfund.nih.gov/sites/default/files/OTA-22-007.pdf.

An audio described version of this video will be available soon.
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