
MS Alliance of Nonprofits & Philanthropy's Excellence in Action Nonprofit Management Certification

Are you looking for a certificate to help you, your team, and your board better manage your nonprofit and your day-to-day operations? If so, the EIA Nonprofit Management Certificate is for you. Excellence in Action is designed to meet the needs of today’s nonprofit professionals. A variety of instructional methods are used to provide engaging, practice-oriented learning experiences that are focused on knowledge, skills, and techniques that can immediately be implemented in your nonprofit organization.
This certificate offers a relevant and innovative curriculum that provides participants with a strong foundation in nonprofit management, taught by instructors with extensive nonprofit experience, and is offered in-person and online.

Learn more about Excellence in Action by visiting: https://alliancems.org/training-events/excellence-in-action/

Alliance website: www.allliancems.org

Principles & Standards for Nonprofit and Philanthropy Excellence webpage: https://alliancems.org/principles-standards/
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