
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan - Refresher Training (November, 2021)

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan - Refresher Training (November, 2021)

An M&E Plan and objectives, as well as critical parts, are described in a monitoring and evaluation plan. An M&E Plan may be described as a road map that outlines how your program will be monitored and evaluated, as well as how evaluation data will be used for project improvement and decision-making moving forward.. Each project or set of projects has its own unique monitoring and evaluation Plan. An M&E plan helps to establish that strategy for each project or group of projects, as well as to track its progress and make improvements.

Hi Guys,

Hope you are feeling fantastic. If you are here for the very first time my name is COACH ALEXANDER and I am an M&E Professional of 10 years now. If you haven’t done so yet, simply subscribe to this channel on the link below;

LINK; http://www.youtube.com/c/MEMadeSimpleMonitoring-and-Evaluation

LINK; https://youtu.be/nBXIr-ZwEEQ

Learn more on logical framework analysis: https://www.fundsforngos.org/free-resources-for-ngos/what-is-logical-framework-analysis-lfa-and-why-is-it-important-2/

Link to Online Course; https://www.udemy.com/course/the-logical-framework-approach-in-project-management/?referralCode=EFEFE2B5FCDF715D531B

Link to Logical Framework Analysis: https://youtu.be/i8OpB459VUw

Email me for a coupon: [email protected]

Ebook; https://mailchi.mp/b2a53ed941d6/monitoring-and-evaluation-manual

About Me; Hi my name is Coach Alexander, I am a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist who has been practicing M&E for 10 years now. Welcome to my youtube channel. This channel teaches you everything you need to know about Monitoring and Evaluation.

To contact me feel free to visit the following;
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/MonitoringAndEvaluationMadeSimple
Pinterest; https://www.pinterest.com/monitoringandevaluation/
Special Message; I really want to appreciate you so much for coming and supporting this channel. Just incase you want to get personal training on key performance indicators, I would urge you to enroll for these online courses. The links are below;

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