
Michaela Ziegler - The Swiss FHIR - Interoperability Challenges | DevDays 2023 Amsterdam

As the new Technical Manager of HL7 Switzerland, Michaela presents the latest activities and challenges around the development of the FHIR Implementation Guides in Switzerland.
The Swiss electronic patient record builds on the IHE initiative and is based on HL7 standards. Some individual projects in this context were defined before international initiatives were established, and therefore updates need to be made in order not to deviate from international interoperability. Transition of Care and Order and Referral are two projects which are closely related to the International Patient Summary and Structured Data Capture Implementation Guides. These are dynamic projects where we are engaged in covering the international requirements on the one hand and the national requirements on the other hand and mapping them into FHIR IGs.

Michaela outlines the challenges we have encountered when national and international specifications are developed in parallel and how they are trying to align them.
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