
@Menteora Motivation and self-organization: why is managing your condition the primary soft skill?

Motivation and self-organization: why is managing your condition the primary soft skill?

In modern competitive realities, you need to be “on constantly,” remain in the resource and combine many “soft skills.” Unlike hard skills (little professional knowledge), these skills are cross-functional and needed regardless of whether you work as an analyst in a consulting company or launch your startup. According to a study conducted by scientists from Harvard, Stanford, and Carnegie, 85% of success in any profession depends on the level of development of your soft skills and only 15% on “hard skills.”

Let’s look into the primary “soft skill” of any person, which is beneficial not only in work but also in studies and personal life — self-management.

Self-management means being your friend, not your enemy
In psychology, it is self-regulation. In the business environment, it is self-management. Self-management is organizing yourself, your time, and resources and overcoming internal barriers. So the ability to manage oneself is a vital quality of a person that is a predictor of success.

Many say they want to start a new life and radically change their career trajectory. The first step is already a big part of success. But a willingness to change is not enough, it is only enough for the first time, and then life happens: the cat gets sick, summer has come — the mood for study is gone, and that’s it, the person no longer has enough time for anything, and he abandons his original goal, deviates from the path of life that I have set for myself.

Only those who see the goal understand why they need education and see how and what needs to be adjusted in themselves to change their lives for the better successfully. Therefore, it is not so important who you are — an entrepreneur, a cashier in a store, a top manager, or a teacher at school — the ability to recognize what factors can prevent you from achieving your goal and the ability to correct them, is necessary for any person to be a friend, not an enemy.

There is an opinion that self-management is necessarily about strict self-control and discipline. However, self-management does not mean getting yourself out of bed, scolding, and sitting at your workplace, but analyzing what exactly is stopping you and, like an excellent leader to yourself, finding resources that motivate you to solve problems. So this implies a whole range of qualities that help you redistribute your energy and direct it in the right direction to achieve your goals.

What are these qualities?

Read continue: https://menteora.com/blog/motivation_and_self_organization_why_is_managing_your_condition_the_primary_soft_skill

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