
MBTI 16 Personalities - Procrastination | Ranking

You will be surprised with this Ranking of MBTI 16 Personalities which is based on their Procrastination Level!
Some personality types are prone to procrastinate and some just never do it. Each individual has their own level of procrastination, however, based on general tendencies we have ranked each one of 16 personality types in one of these categories. Here is the MBTI Personalities Ranking Based On Their Procrastination Level.

0:00 MBTI 16 Personalities - Who Procrastinates the Most?
0:33 - 1. ISTJ
1:04 - 2. ISFJ
1:32 - 3. ESTJ
2:14 - 4. ESFJ
2:39 - 5. INFJ
3:21 - 6. INFP
4:04 - 7. ENFJ
4:38 - 8. ENFP
5:09 - 9. ISTP
5:36 - 10. ISFP
5:57 - 11. ESTP
6:19 - 12. ESFP
6:37 - 13. INTJ
7:17 - 14. INTP
8:06 - 15. ENTJ
8:44 - 16. ENTP

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