
Managing Windows updates in the cloud (The Blueprint Files) | BRK207

With the myriad of ways to mange Windows updates, it is often asked how do Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) and Windows Update work anyway? What is the difference in the way that management tools are involved? Take a look at the big picture, then dig into what role the client plays in both WSUS and cloud update management, and some of the key differences in how you manage Windows updates on-premises and in the cloud. Not to mention how you can get the best of both worlds if you are using WSUS today.

Additional Resource:
Contact sales -- https://info.microsoft.com/contact-us-multi-product-in-person-devices-en.html?LCID=EN-US&ls=290778-contactme-formfill
BRK207 Additional Resources -- https://aka.ms/msignitebrk207c
Windows Learning Resources -- https://aka.ms/WindowsCTA?wt.mc_id=ignite21fall_collections_webpage_esc

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