
Management a Kingdom priority Module 2 | Part 1| Dr Alex Tsela | Timeless Principles

Kingdom Priority of Management

Management is not just a business concept, but it is a kingdom principle, and for that matter one of the priorities of the Kingdom of Heaven. In this series Dr Alex shares about management drawing from his personal studies of management in MBA, his application of management at corporate level and personal life. Importantly he opens up the eyes of every believer in Christ that management is a priority for every kingdom citizen.

Very few believers have an appreciation that though we serve the God of Abundance, He will allow us access to His abundance based on our ability to manage. My mentor in a private conversation once said to me, that people don’t get what they pray for, but what they can manage.

The management principle is demonstrated in the difference between a beautiful garden and a wild forest. What grows in the two is not the difference, but management is the difference in that the wild forest lacks a manager, while a garden and vineyard has a manager. What sets apart productive and successful people from failures at the core is management. All get 24 hours a day, but productive people manage the use of their time, while failures let others manage their time.

In this series Dr Alex develops the argument of management as a priority in the kingdom from the original creation account. That the primary motivation of the God of Heaven to create the Human was to have a representative, a steward on earth who manages the physical realm on behalf of the Father in Heaven. This motivation is demonstrated in the creation story by the amazing reality that God, Elohim would not allow growth, progress, and increase on earth in the absence of a human to manage it.

This timeless truth continues to elude many believers, who have not come to terms with the revelation that in the absence of management, Heaven holds back progress, increase, growth, abundance. Dr Alex develops this argument with two exciting case studies one from the old testament of the Christian canon of scripture and the other from the new testament.

Management is not just a nice to have, but a kingdom priority. Until we learn and apply management growth, progress, abundance will be a dream not a reality. The major difference amongst countries is not so much the lack or abundance of resources, but it is the presence or absence of management of the resources no matter limited in some countries. Those nations that have mastered management, they lead those who have absconded on their management responsibility.
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