
Manage risk and compliance with end-to-end security solutions | BRK241

Managing risks is critical to ensuring business continuity, protecting brand reputation and addressing the various internal and external requirements that you may be subject to. We know your data goes beyond the Microsoft cloud, so we are building solutions to help you reduce risk across your entire digital estate, especially in this hybrid work world. Organizations should not have to make the tradeoff between modern collaboration and modern security. Join our session to learn how our newest innovations help you address these challenges.

Additional Resource:
Protect everything with end-to-end security_Blog -- https://aka.ms/IgniteNov21/Protecteverything
Microsoft Security Technical Content Library_Compliance -- https://aka.ms/IgniteBRK241_CTA
Contact sales -- https://info.microsoft.com/contact-us-multi-product-in-person-devices-en.html?LCID=EN-US&ls=290778-contactme-formfill

Recommended Next Step:
Learn at Ignite -- https://aka.ms/learnatignite?wt.mc_id=ignite21fall_breakout_webpage_esc

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