
Making Money, Keeping Money, Enjoying Money with Michael Kao Ep.108

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Episode 108:

Market wisdom from one of the best, Michael Kao! We talk about everything from markets and investing to macro and the economy to help you make money, keep your money, enjoy your money. ✨
Michael Kao has been in the investment business for ~30 years with extensive experience analyzing and investing in many markets and asset classes from commodities to credit to convertible/capital structure/event arbitrage to distressed debt/equity investing.

From commodities trader at Goldman Sachs to partner & co-founder of Canyon Arbitrage Fund focusing on various strategies including convertible and capital structure arbitrage as well as event-driven/risk arbitrage and then to beginning his own investment firm – Akanthos Capital Management – where he ran an opportunistic, value-driven investment strategy that looked for “fulcrum securities” up and down the capital structure.

In 2019, Mike stopped actively managing external capital in now invests for his FAMILY OFFICE & became a PELICAN! Mike also shares his wisdom with his passionate creative and insightful projects, Kaoboy Musings substack & Kaos theory podcast.

00:00:00 - Predetermined Exit Strategies and Emotional Self-Protection
00:04:44 - Geopolitical Risks and the Israel-Hamas War
00:09:47 - The possibility of a bear and bull steepening
00:14:21 - Inflation and Economic Disruptions
00:18:54 - A Disrupted Oil Market
00:23:22 - Risk Averse Investing Strategies
00:27:58 - Trading Strategies: The Importance of Exit Strategies
00:32:42 - Dynamic Replication and Event-Driven Strategies
00:37:25 - Diversified Positive Carry Investments
00:42:02 - Cash Flow Clos and Collateralization Tests
00:46:38 - Investing in the clo Equity Trade
00:51:23 - The Importance of Overcollateralization
00:55:56 - Investing in the Pelican Way
01:00:26 - The Chameleon Trade and Bitcoin
01:05:20 - The Continuum of Capital Structure
01:10:06 - The Capital Structure and Options
01:14:45 - Trading Distressed Bonds and the Fulcrum Security
01:19:55 - The Collapse of General Growth Properties
01:24:21 - Hedging Strategies and Long Puts in a Volatile Market
01:28:49 - The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
01:38:39 - The Risk of Unrealistic Growth Assumptions
01:43:31 - The Impact of Greed and Fear in Trading
01:48:14 - The Vodka Red Bull Economy
01:52:42 - The Wall of Maturities and Potential Economic Consequences
01:56:47 - The Impact of Leverage and Deleveraging on Companies

➡️Follow Michael Kao in Twitter: https://x.com/UrbanKaoboy
➡️Visit Michael Kao's Substack: https://www.urbankaoboy.com/

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THINK Different with Rosanna
©️ 2022-2023

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DISCLAIMER: ANY AND ALL INFORMATION (EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED) ON THE RO SHOW, BY ROSANNA PRESTIA AND/OR HER GUESTS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL, INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. None of the opinions, suggestions or recommendations expressed or implied should be relied upon as professional advice, may not be suitable for any specific person and are not an endorsement/recommendation. Investing is risky and can result in a complete loss. Please consult with your own investment, real estate, legal, tax and/or any other professional advisers. From time to time, Rosanna Prestia and/or her guests may hold positions/interests in securities or investments.

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