
Live now: Water-Oriented Living Labs for a Green Transformation in the Digital Age

The "Water-Oriented Living Labs to Enable Green Transformation in the Digital Age" event is organised by Water Europe as Partner Event of the EU Green Week 2022, happening online via Zoom in English language on June 1st 2022.

This event aims to highlight the role of Water-Oriented Living Labs (WOLLs) for the Green and Digital Transformation of Europe. This online workshop will take around two hours and will consist of various presentations, a case study as well as a panel discussion.

During the event the following topics will be discussed:
-How WOLLs can support Systemic Water management to boost Green and Digital Transformation
-New sustainable governance and business model for the Green and Digital Transformation offered by the Water-Oriented Living Labs approach.
-Citizen engagement and mobilisation through WOLLs for Green and Digital Transformation
-A Water-Smart Society as an enabler of the Green Deal through WOLLs: the cultural change.
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